BMH Medical Journal 2016;3(4):110-112   Case Report

Thoracoscopic  Window  Pericardiectomy For Pyopericardium In  An  Infant

VK Gopi, PR Babu, Shaji  Thomas John,  TP Joseph

Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. PIN: 673004

Address for Correspondence: Dr VK Gopi, Department of Pediatric Surgery,  Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikkode, Kerala, India. Email:


Purpose: To report the feasibility and effectiveness  of thoracoscopic  window  pericardiectomy  for pyopericardium in children.

Material and methods: Nine month old  male  infant  presented  with  abscess  neck  and  continued   to be sick  and further evaluation  made the  diagnosis of  pyopericardium and  underwent thoracoscopic  window  pericardiectomy.

Result:  Thoracoscopic   window  pericardiectomy was found to be effective  and follow  up  was  done for a period of  six years.

Conclusion: In a very sick  infant,  the concern is whether the  baby  will withstand  a   major operative procedure  or not.  Thoracoscopy   has got a definite role in such situations.

Keywords:  Pyopericardium, thoracoscopic   window  pericardiectomy.


Pyopericardium is a life threatening, serious surgical emergency in children. It  is a rapidly progressive disease  leading to death, if not  treated in early stages [1]. Repeated  pericardiocentesis, tube drainage, instillation of  streptokinase or urokinase,  subxiphoid  window pericardiectomy  drainage   and  thoracotomy   window  pericardiectomy  drainage   were the treatment options  for pyopericardium. Another   more feasible  option is thoracoscopy. Thoracoscopy has  established  itself as  an  alternative to  open  thoracotomy  for  the  management  of  many  pleural  and  pulmonary  disorders  in  adults  and  children [2-3].  But thoracoscopic surgery on pericardium  is rarely reported in infants. It  gives excellent view of pericardium. Pericardial resection can be done with ease. Pericardial  lavage can   be done under vision  till the cavity is cleared of all  the  purulent materials. Drainage tube can be properly placed under vision. Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, body response to trauma is minimal   and recovery is fast.

Material and methods

A   nine  month  old male   infant was admitted  for  abscess  neck. He had polymorphonuclear leukocytosis and high ESR. Even after drainage of abscess, infant  continued to be  sick and lethargic. On further evaluation, x-ray of the chest showed  cardiomegaly and Echocardiogram was suggestive of  pyopericardium. Surgical management of pyopericardium was done by Video Assisted Thoracoscopy. The follow up period of the case  is  six years.


After preoperative stabilization with  IV fluids, parenteral antibiotics  and analgesics the infant was taken up for thoracoscopic window pericardiectomy. With patient under general anaesthesia, three port thoracoscopy was done  through left thoracic cavity. Patient was kept in supine posture with  folded  towel  beneath chest on left side. Carbon dioxide insufflation was kept ready but there was no requirement to use it because of sufficient vision. Pericardial cavity  was aspirated  with  No 20 G   intravenous cannula under vision and aspirated around  50 ml  of thick  yellowish  pus. Then proceeded  with incision of pericardial sac and resection was done till  phrenic nerves were seen on both sides. Minor bleeding was controlled with bipolar diathermy. The procedure was completed  with drainage of   left pleural cavity  using  No 16 suction catheter. Oral feeds were started after 4 hours. Pus culture grew Staphylococcus aureus sensitive to Amikacin, Cloxacillin and Vancomycin. He was treated with Amikacin and Vancomycin. Drainage catheter  was  removed on 5th  postoperative day. Catheter tip  was sterile on culture. Repeat X-ray chest and echocardiogram were normal. He had uneventful  recovery. He was on regular follow  up for the last 6 years and he is asymptomatic  and  doing well.


Accumulation of pus in pericardial cavity is the result of severe sepsis by bacteria and fungi. In the post antibiotic era, Staphylococcus aureus is the  commonest organism [4-5]. The mode of spread  is either by  hematogenous or by direct spread from pulmonary  infection. Usual foci of infection are neumonia, osteomyelitis,s eptic arthritis and  pyomyositis.

In  the present case even after effectively  treating the abscess, features of sepsis like fever clinical, lethargy and toxic appearance were continuing and further  evaluation picked up cardiomegaly  on  X-ray  and pyopericardium on echocardiogram.

Pyopericardium if not treated in time, proceeds to complications like cardiac tamponade, septicaemia and constrictive pericarditis. Pyopericardium  carries considerable morbidity and even mortality. Timely diagnosis assumes prime importance in  pyopericardium. Unsettled sepsis irrespective of effective management is an indicator to  pyopericardium.

Various treatment modalities are available, but window pericardiectomy  is the most effective. Recurrence following pericardial  resection varies between  3 to 18% [6]. Santos and Frater have suggested that increasing the pericardial resection to the size of 4cm x 4 cm  leads to lower  incidence of  recurrence [7].  But size varies according to age  and in our  case  phrenic nerve to phrenic nerve extent of   pericardium was resected to avoid the chance of constrictive pericarditis in the future. Median  sternotomy  and  left thoracotomy are  the  surgical options in open operation.  Minimally invasive surgery  is advanatageous in reducing tissue response to trauma  and for rapid recovery especially  in the very sick infants. Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery   is found to be very effective and advisable.


Thoracoscopic  window pericardiectomy is an advisable surgical procedure for pyopericardium in children. Post operative  pain is minimal and recovery is rapid when compared to  open operation. In very sick infants  who are unable to withstand  a major operative procedure, thoracoscopy is an  effective and feasible alternative Reduced hospital stay and impressive cosmesis are additional attractions  of  Thoracoscopic  partial pericardiectomy.


1. R Narayanasami, R Raghupathy, G Rajamani et al. Thoracoscopic Window Pericrdiectomy for Pyopericardium J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2004;9: 55-61.

2. Landreneau RJ, Hazeliig SR, Fetson PF, et al. Thoracoscopic resection of 85 Pul lesions, Ann Thorac Surg 1992, 54: 415-420.

3. I laazel ugg SR, Landienaueu RJ, Mack MJ, et al. Thoracoscopic stapled resection for Spontaneous pneumothorax J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1963, 105: 389-393.

4. Sinzobahamvya N, Ikeogu MO. Purulent Pericarditis Arch Dis Child 1987, 62: 696-699.

5. Jaryesumi F,Abioye AA, Antio AV Infective Pericarditis in Nigerian Children Arch Dis Child 1979, 54: 384-390.

6. Naunheim KS, Kesler KA, Fiore AC, et al. Pericardial drainage subxiphoid Vs Transthoracic approach Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1991; 5: 99-104.

7. Santos GH, Frater RWM. The subxiphoid approach in the treatment of Pericardial effusion Ann Thorac Surg 1977, 45 65-69.