Dr. C Ravindran
Senior Consultant & Chief of Medical Services
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Dr. C Ravindran MBBS, MD, DTCD
Senior Consultant & Chief of Medical Services
Dr. C Ravindran is a senior consultant in Pulmonary Medicine. He has specialized in Internal Medicine and Chest Medicine from Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode. He was a faculty in Pulmonary Medicine in various Govt. Medical Colleges in Kerala for over 3 decades and in DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences as a professor for the last 5 years. He was the Principal of Govt Medical College, Kozhikode for 6 years and Managing Director of Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram, Kannur for 1 year. He has immense experience in fibreoptic bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy and sleeps studies. He was a faculty and examiner for MD (Pulmonary Medicine), DTCD, DNB (Respiratory Diseases), and DM in Pulmonary Medicine.
- MBBS: Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode
- MD (Gen. Medicine): Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode
- DTCD: Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode
- MBA: (Human Resource Management) Indira Gandhi open university
- FRCP: Royal College, London
- FIMSA: International Medical Specialty
- FICS: Indian Chest Society
Work Experience
- Worked as faculty in Govt Medical College, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Alappuzha in different capacities as tutor, Asst professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Principal.
- Worked as Professor and Vice Dean in DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences for 5 years
- Worked as Managing Director of Academy of Medical Sciences, Pariyaram for 1 year.
- Worked as Chairman, State Task Force for RNTCP in Medical Colleges of Kerala.
- Krishna Prasad M, Ravindran Chetambath. Neuroendocrine Tumour of the Lung- A Case Report. BMH Med. J. 2024;11(2):25-30. Case Report
- Chetambath, Ravindran; Nair, Gayathri; Balu, Amrutha. Rituximab Use and the Increased Risk of Reactivation of Latent Tuberculosis? Journal of Advanced Lung Health 4(2):52-54, May–Aug 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/jalh.jalh_59_23
- Chetambath, Ravindran; Balu, Amrutha; John, Shaji Thomas. Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema. Journal of Advanced Lung Health 4(2):93-94, May–Aug 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/jalh.jalh_2_24
- Ravindran Chetambath, Gayathri Karedath, Shilpa Chandran (2024) Thoracic Endometriosis Detected During Medical Thoracoscopy in a Tertiary Care Setting a Retrospective Observational Study. Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-186. DOI: doi.org/10.47363/JPRR/2024(6)172
- R Chetambath. Can Tobramycin Induce Neuromuscular Blockade? J of Adv Lung Health 2024; 4(1): 1, Jan–Apr 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/jalh.jalh_24_23
- R Chetambath. Cystic Diseases of the Lung and Cystic Bronchiectasis – Why Do We Differentiate? J of Adv Lung Health 2024; 4(1):4-8, Jan-Apr 2024
- R Chetambath, Gayathri Karedath, Rituparna Krishnan, Amrutha Balu (2023) Pleuro-Parenchymal Fibroelastosis (PPFE)- A Case Report. Journal of Pulmonology Research & Reports. SRC/JPRR-167. DOI: doi.org/10.47363/JPRR/2023(5)153
- R Chetambath. Post COVID Pulmonary Fibrosis- Is it reversible?. BMH Medical Journal - ISSN 2348–392X, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN 2348-392X.
- R Chetambath. Calcified Cyst in the Lung. BMH Medical Journal - ISSN 2348–392X, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN 2348-392X.
- Chetambath R, Kumar P, Nandini V, Chandran S, Chacko A. Catamenial haemothorax—A rare cause of pleural effusion. Lung India 2023; 40:541-4.
- Chetambath R, Shanavas R. Fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. J Adv Lung Health 2023; 3:93-6.
- Chetambath R, Shanavas R, Krishnaprasad M, Chandran S. Idiopathic bronchiolocentric interstitial pneumonia: A rare presentation. J Adv Lung Health 2023; 3:117-9.
- Chetmbath, R, Chandran S, Shanavas R, Rabiyabi V, Anju C. Thoracic Endometriosis - Report of Two Rare Cases. BMH Medical Journal 2023; 10 (3): 71-78.
- Dr Ravindran Chetmbath , Dr Shilpa Chandran , Dr Rameesa Shanawas , Dr Rabiyabi V , Dr Anju Chacko. Thoracic Endometriosis - Report of Two Rare Cases. BMH Med. J. 2023;10(3):71-78.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Praveen Kumar K, Nandini Sylesh, Gayathri Nair, Rituparna Krishnan Pleural metastasis from ovarian papillary serous carcinoma form Coral Reef like formation- A unique presentation. Journal of Medical Science and clinical research 11 (6), 27-31
- R Chetambath Shabana Eyyacheri Osteosclerotic Metastasis to Thoracic Cage. BMH Med. J. 10 (2), 47-49
- R Chetambath, JB John. Is the term brittle asthma obsolete? What is its clinical relevance in routine practice?Journal of Advanced Lung Health 3 (2), 47
- R Chetambath, Nithya Ravindran. Mechanotransduction in fibrosis. Journal of Advanced Lung Health 3 (2), 79
- R Chetambath. Thunderstorm Asthma.Indian Practitioner 76 (1)
- R Chetambath. Prechronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal of Advanced Lung Health 3 (1), 1
- Shilpa Chandran, Ravindran Chetambath. Changing Trends in Lung Cancer Epidemiology. The Indian Practitioner 75 (11), 23-2
- R Chetambath. Long COVID and beyond: Persistence of symptoms 1 year after COVID-19 infection. Journal of Advanced Lung Health 2 (2), 45
- Shilpa Chandran, Krishna Prasad, Ravindran Chetambath. Radiation Pneumonitis - A Case Report. BMH Med. J. 2023;10(1):25-29.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Nadini Sylesh, K. Praveen Kumar, Gayathri Nair Karedath, Anju Chacko. Signet-ring Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Lungs: An Unusual and Rare Case. J Adv Lung Health 2023;3 (1):25-9
- Karedath GN, Kumar KP, Nandini V, Krishnaprasad M, Shabana E. Lung involvement in chronic occult aspiration. J Adv Lung Health 2023;3 (1):30-3
- Kumar KP, Nandini V, Chetambath R. Signs may sometimes mislead you. J Adv Lung Health 2023;3 (1):34-5.
- Ravindran Chetambath1, NK Sneha2, TS Maneesha.An unusual site for chest wall trauma.jalh 2022; 2(3): 119-121.
- Ravindran Chetambath. Innovations help when there is unexpected demand.jalh 2022; 2(3): 83-84.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Praveen Kumar, Bhargaval Pallivalappil, Gayathri Nair.Calcified Mediastinal Lesions: A Rare and Unusual Coincidence.The Indian Practitioner March 2022;75(6): 35-37.
- Jesin Kumar Chakkamadathil, Ravindran Chetambath. Elimination of Tuberculosis - an Ambitious Approach. The Indian Practitioner March 2022;75 (3): 7-9.
- Ravindran Chetambath. Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic respiratory diseases. Jalh 2022; 2(1): 5-12.
- Rayees Kathim, G Gangaprasad, Anoop Kumar, Ravindran Chetambath. When COVID rules…. Severe acute respiratory illness due to another virus. jalh 2022; 2(1): 22-25.
- Praveen Kumar, V Nandini, MC Sabir, Ravindran Chetambath. Unusual fungal infection in an immune-competent host. jalh 2022; 2(1): 26-31.
- Charitha Puvvada, Mohammed Nazim, Manish Murali, Ravindran Chetambath. Rare tracheobronchial anomalies and their clinical significance. Jalh 2022; 2(1): 32-34.
- Chetambath R. Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic respiratory diseases. J Adv Lung Health 2022;2:5-12.
- Kumar P, Nandini V, Sabir MC, Chetambath R. Unusual fungal infection in an immunocompetent host. J Adv Lung Health 2022;2:26-31
- Ravindran C: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Pulmon 1999,1:19-21
- Ravindran C: Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia(BOOP). Pulmon 2000,2:123-126.
- Ravindran C, Ramachandran PV, Babu KMRC, Suhail N: Benign fibrous tumour of the pleura. Pulmon 2000,2:142-147.
- Ravindran C: An unusual cause of dysphagia and stridor. Pulmon 2001,3:77-80
- Ravindran C: Asthma Guidelines simplified. Pulmon 2001,3:67-70
- Ravindran C, Venugopal P, Prasad KM: Changing face of mycobacterial drug resistance. Pulmon 2001,3:109 -113
- Ravindran C: Mycobacterial resistance to Pyrazinamide. Lung India 2002,20:9-
- Ravindran C: Late onset asthma. Pulmon 2003,5:58 -62
- Ravindran C: Diesel exhaust and respiratory allergy- Is there a link? Pulmon 2003,5:81 - 82
- Ravindran.C, Sudin Koshy, Madhusudan.K.S, Rajalakshmi.P.C, Rauf C.P, Nasser Yusuf: Pulmonary Alveolar proteinosis: A case Report. Calicut Medical Journal 2003;1(1):e7
- Ravindran C: N-Acetyl Cysteine: Its new role in ILD. Pulmon 2005,7:1:3-5.
- Ravindran C, Suraj KP, Mohammed Mustafa, Harilakshmanan, Sajeev Kumar P, Yusuf Nasser: Hemangioendothelioma of Pleura- A rare neoplasm. Pulmon 2005,7:1:44-49
- Ravindran C, James PT, Jyothi E: Prevalence of initial drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis in northern kerala.Lung India 2006;23:106-108.
- Ravindran C, Durga Balagopalan, Mohammed Musthafa A: Medical Thoracoscopy-An interventional procedure for the pulmonologists; Pulmon 2006;8:2:10-13
- Ravindran C: Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice;Pulmon 2006;8:3:73-75
- Ravindran C: Syndrome Z- A Case Report;Pulmon 2006;8:3:98-101
- Ravindran C: Study of Factors Influencing The Work Output of Human Resource in Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP); Pulmon 2007;9:3:88-96
- Ravindran C, Padmanabhan K V, Sreedhar Rejna: A study of correlation between transhilar diameter and P pulmonale in COPD patients; Lung India 2008; 25( 4):145-147.
- R Chetambath,S Babu,PT James. Correlation between Epworth sleepiness score and polysomnographic indices in sleep disordered breathing. ERJ 2008;32:S 51
- Ravindran C, James P T,Moyinkutty K,Abdul Khader AK,Velayudhan C C.Clinical significance of P wave amplitude and axis in ECG of COPD patients during acute exacerbations. ERJ 2008; 32: S 51
- Ravindran Chetambath, M. S. Deepa Sarma, K. P. Suraj, E. Jyothi, Safreena Mohammed, Beena J. Philomina, S. Ramadevi: Basidiobolus: An unusual cause of lung abscess. Lung India 2010; 27:89-92.
- Ravindran C. Resurgence of H1N1 Influenza in 2010: Editorial. Chest(India edition) 2010;2(4):195-97
- C Ravindran. Psychiatric morbidity in COPD. Pulmon 2011;13(3):86-91
- Ravindran C, James P T, Sajeev C G, Paulo Varghese Akkara. Cardiovascular implications in obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome. Pulmon 2011;13(3):92-97
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jyothi Edakalavan. Diagnostic Approach to Pneumonias. World Clin Pulm Crit Care Med 2012;1(1):19-46
- Ravindran C.Septicemia due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Editorials CHEST (India Edition) / 4 / 3 / 2013;1
- Ravindran Chetambath. Emerging Respiratory Viral Infections. Pulmon 2013;15(1):01-03
- Ravindran Chetambath. Tracheobronchomalacia in obstructive airway diseases. Lung India 2016; 33 (4):451-52.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Severe pneumonia in a young female with a possible causal relationship to hypothyroidism - A case report and review of literature. IJMAR 2017; 2(2), 17-24
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Esophagus Associated Lung Diseases- A Retrospective Study. JMSCR 2017; 5(3): 18289-96
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Cut Pumpkin Sign- A Diagnostic Radiological Sign in Pulmonary Contusion. JMSCR 2017; 5(7): 25464-466.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Bilateral morgagni hernia in a case of Weill-Marchesani syndrome- A rare association. Int Jl Res Med Sci 2017; 5(6):2790-93.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Lung involvement in accident victims: report of three cases. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017; 5(9):4167-4171. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20174005
- Ravindran Chetambath. Role of probiotics in preventing acute respiratory tract infections- Review article. Pulmon 2016; 18(2):57-60.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. Aspiration pneumonia due to esophageal cause in the elderly. Pulmon 2016; 18(2):71-73.
- 75. Ravindran Chetambath. Medical teaching- is there a better alternative? (Editorial). Pulmon 2016; 18(1):5-11.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. A rare clinical case presenting as right lower zone shadow (Radiology Quiz). Lung India 2018; 35 (2):173-75
- Ravindran Chetambath, Nithya Ravindran, Jis B John. Management of Interstitial Lung Diseases: Does the Stage at Diagnosis Influence the Outcome? EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 2018; 7 (10): 735-740.
- Ravindran Chetambath, Jabeed Parengal, Mohammed Aslam, Sanjeev Shivashankaran. A rare clinical case presenting as right lower zone shadow (Radiology Quiz). Lung India 2018; 35 (2):173-75
- Ravindran Chetambath. Revised National TB Control Program in India Benefit of Transition from Intermittent to Daily Therapy. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 2018; 7(5): 298-302
- Ravindran Chetambath, Nithya Ravindran and Jis B John. Management of Interstitial Lung Diseases: Does the Stage at Diagnosis Influence the Outcome? EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine 2018; 7(10): 735-740.
- Chetambath R. Subacute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. J Adv Lung Health 2021; 1:19-22.
- Chetambath R, Kumar J, Shivashankaran S. Bilateral congenital pulmonary airway malformation in an adult: Report of a rare case. J Adv Lung Health 2021;1:23-5
Text Books & Chapters
- Covid-19 and Pulmonary Lesions. 2021, Tree Life Media Publications (Kothari Books), Mumbai, India
- Pulmonary Medicine-Common & Uncommon Cases 2022, Tree Life Media Publications (Kothari Books), Mumbai, India
- Clinical Allergy and Asthma Management in Adolescents and Young Adults 2022, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) Florida, USA.
- Chapter on Lung Abscess in “Text Book of Pulmonary & Critical care Medicine” by SK Jindal, Jaypee Publishers 2010.
- Chapter on Medical Thoracoscopy in “Text Book of Pulmonary & Critical care Medicine” by SK Jindal, Jaypee Publishers 2010.
- Chapter on Interstitial Lung Diseases in “NCCP Text Book of Respiratory Medicine” by D Behera , Jaypee Publishers,2011
- Diagnostic approach to Pneumonia, Chapter in World Clinic of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Published by Jaypee Publishers 2012
- Chapter on Infection control issues in Pulmonary Function laboratory in “SPIROMETRY” by D.Behera, Kothari Medical Subscription Pvt. Ltd 2015.
- “Paediatric Respiratory Illness”, MacMillan Medical Communications. 2011.(2nd edition 2015)
- Pulmonary Infections- Chest X-ray Illustrated (Booklet) Mac Millan Medical Communications.2013
- Interstitial Lung Diseases- Chest X-ray Illustrated (Booklet) Mac Millan Medical Communications.2014
- Lung Tumors- Chest X-ray Illustrated (Booklet) Mac Millan Medical Communications.2014.
- Pleural Diseases- Chest X-ray Illustrated (Booklet) Mac Millan Medical Communications.2015
- X Rays Atlas: Images in common respiratory diseases (Book) Mac Millan Medical Communications.2016
- World Clinic of Pulmonary & Critical care Medicine on Pneumonia (Guest Editor). 2019, Volume 6, Number 1.
- Chapter on Lung Abscess in “Handbook of Pulmonary & Critical care Medicine” by SK Jindal, Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers. Second edition 2019.Page 125-131.

Dr. C Ravindran
Senior Consultant & Chief of Medical Services
OP Days and Timings
- Mon 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
- Tue 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
- Wed 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
- Thu 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
- Fri 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM