Geriatric Oncology


  • Durga Prasan


An elderly gentelman visited my clinic with history of gradually worsening shortness of breath. He had been feeling unwell for last few weeks, with poor appetite, fatigue and a nagging pain in low back. He was a light smoker in the past, and has been on treatment for coronary artery disease, having had a PTCA 6 years back, and oral antidiabetic agents for management of diabetes. Despite these comorbidities, he had been leading an active post retirement life. His cardiologist suggested an X ray of chest which showed a large left sided pleural effusion, with normal cardiac function on echocardiogram. He was referred to Pulmonologist, who had to perform a thoracoscopy to arrive at a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of left lung, with extensive pleural surface deposits. Further evaluation showed contralateral lung nodule, multiple mediastinal node enlargement, right adrenal deposit and at least 3 bone metastasis. Segment VI of liver showed two metastatic nodules.





Geriatrics & Gerontology Initiative: International Workshop