Dr. Rajesh M.C.
Academic Co-ordinator & Senior Consultant
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Dr. Rajesh M.C. DA, MD, MBA
Academic Co-ordinator & Senior Consultant
Dr. Rajesh is a Senior Anesthetist with more than 20 years of experience in dealing high risk cases, across multiple specialities. His fields of special interest is acute & chronic pain management and pediatric anesthesiology. He has many publications to his credit and he is the coordinator of postgraduate academic activities of BMH academy.
- MBBS (University of Calicut)
- DA (University of Calicut)
- MD (University of Calicut)
- MBA in Hospital Management (Annamalai University)
- Fellowship International Medical Sciences Academy (FIMSA)
Work Experience
- Secretary of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist's Calicut City Branch 2002
- President Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist's Calicut City Branch 2011
- Organising Secretary Infection Control Perspectives in ICU 2009
- Organising Secretary Midterm CME ISA Kerala State 2010
- Organising Chairman AIRCON 2014 (ISA meet on Difficult Airway)
- Presented papers at State, South Zone and National conferences of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, National Conference on Hospital Administration at Trivandrum, IMA meets and Critical Care Society meets at Calicut City Branch.
- Anaesthesia for thyroid surgeries using neural integrity monitoring endotracheal tube.Our initial experience with more than 600 cases. ( International Journal of health and Clinical research.2024;7(3)8-10.
- Anaesthetic management of a patient with Methemoglobinaemia: case report and review of literature. ( BMH Med.J.2024,11(1):9-13.
- The role of Pregabalin versus Tramadol in management of acute post operative pain in mastectomy patient & reduction in post mastectomy pain syndrome. - JAMP (International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy) Volume 5,Issue 5,2023. Embase, Index Copernicus.
- Anaesthetic management of a patient with sickle cell disease. Case report and review of literature.(Indian Journal of clinical Anaesthesia.2023;10(3):311-4.) [Index Copernicus, Indian citation index]
- Ultrasound-A versatile Gadget for the perioperative physician. BMH Medical Journal 2022;9:84-93
- Newer muscle relaxants – The Anaesthesiologist. December 2022. ( To be included under ISA Kerala State journal.
- Preoperative investigations: Practice guidelines from the Indian society of Anaesthesiologists.May 2022 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia.( Pubmed indexed)
- Anaesthetic Management During Laparoscopic Resection of A functioning Beta Cell Tumour (An Insulinoma) BMH Medical Journal 2020;7(2)41-45.
- Incidence of Post -Operative Hoarseness and Sore Throat between Endotracheal Cuff Inflated with Alkalinised Lignocaine versus Air in Laparoscopic Procedures : A Comparative Study. (Internal Journal of Health and Clinical Research September-2021 - Index Copernicus,DOAJ)
- All India Difficult Airway Association guidelines in Practice – A survey. (Indian journal of Anaesthesia June 2021- Pub med)
- The clinical learning environment in anaesthesiology in Kerala. Is it good enough? A web based survey. Indian journal of Anaesthesia March 2021- (Pub med)
- Motivational Factors and Training Aspects in Postgraduate Students of Anaesthesiology: A Survey" (Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research 2021 February Vol-15(2) Index Copernicus)
- Anaesthetic Management of a patient in sickle cell crisis with empyema gall bladder. BMH Med J.2021;8 (1): 45-51
- Hemophilic patient for emergency Spinal Decompression. Indian Journal of case reports. [Index Medicus-Med line]
- Epidural blood patch for spontaneous intracranial hypotension. National medical journal of India. [Index copernicus]
- Safety in Anaesthesia. BMH Medical journal. [Index copernicus]
- Anaesthesia for Coarctation of Aorta in Pregnancy.- A challenge. BMH Medical journal. [Index copernicus]
- The baffling issues of Brugada ECG pattern for anaesthesiologist. IJA ( Pub Med)
- Lidocaine.Pharmacological options beyond local anaesthetic ! BMH Journal ( Index Copernicus)
- Versatility of Ketamine.BMH Journal.( Index Copernicus)
- A case of leaking chyle - One lung ventilation in prone position.BMH Journal.( Index Copernicus)
- Anaesthesia for children with bronchial asthma and respiratory infections.Indian Journal of Anaesthesia( IJA)-[Pub Med]
- Current Practice of Difficult Airway Management: A Survey.IndianJournal of Anaesthesia( IJA) -[ PubMed]
- Prion body contamination. Is it not relevant in the Indian context?IndianJournal of Anaesthesia( IJA)-[Pub Med]
- Anaesthesia Management of severe Hypertrophic Obstructive Cadiomyopathy with Bronchial Asthma for Emergency Caesarean Section.(JIMA)-[Pub Med]
- Massive lingual swelling following palatoplasty. Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology[JOACP]- [Pub Med]
- Anaesthesia for Bench surgery. Anaesthesia essays and researches-[PubMed]
- Anaesthesia for endoscopic third ventriculostomy in children -Anaesthesia essays and researches-[Pub Med]
- Pain management in PolytraumaPatients.Journal of evidence basedmedicine and health care-[Index Copernicus]
- Stellate ganglion block as rescue therapy in refractory Ventricular tachycardia. Anaesthesia essays and researches-[Pub Med]
- A short profile on Centbucridine-BMH Journal.[Google Scholar]
- Safely navigating patients with HOCM during anaesthesia. -BMHJournal.[Google Scholar].
- Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction in elderly- BMH Journal.[Google Scholar]
- Current Thinking In PediatricPeri-operative Fluid Therapy-BMH Journal[Google Scholar]
- Survey of change in practice following simulation-based training in crisis management.Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. ( Pub Med)
- Bronchospasm under Anaesthesia.BMH Medical Journal. ( Index Copernicus)
- Current transfusion practices of anaesthesiologists in a major city in south India. (J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol.Pub Med)
- Spinal Anaesthesia for LSCS in a patient with Myasthenia Gravis.A case report. ( BMH Medical journal. Index Copernicus)
- Paediatric ambulatory surgery. ( BMH Medical journal. Index Copernicus)
- Pain relief following arthroscopy: A comparative study of intra-articular bupivacaine, neostigmine, and clonidine.Indian Journal of Pain ( September-December 2019) - Index Copernicus.
- Spontaneous Hemoperitoneum in a Patient with Unscarred Pregnant Uterus: A Rare Case Report - BMH Medical Journal
ISA Kerala State Journal.
- Immunomodulation under Anaesthesia. Does it matter?
- Jervel and Lange Nielson syndrome.Case report 2016.
- Anaesthesia for Paediatric laparoscopic surgery. July 2011
- Basic anaesthetic principles in facial cosmetic surgery.Feb2014
- Perioperative fluid management in Paediatric patients. Jan 2016.
- Post ERCP Pneumothorax. A Case report.June 2014.
- Post operative reperfusion injury. Case report. July 2015.
- Extubation and crucial issues in paediatrics- Jan -March 2019.
- Pharmacogenomics in Anaesthesia - December 2021.
- KOPS award for national best paper presentation at Indian society of Anaesthesiologists national conference Kolkata 2005.
- Delivered Dr Albert Kallat Oration instituted by IMA Tellicherry branch 2007.

Dr. Rajesh M.C.
Academic Co-ordinator & Senior Consultant