Prof. Ashokan Nambiar C.
Senior Consultant and HOD
Tab 1

Prof. Ashokan Nambiar C. MD, DM(Cardio), FACC
Senior Consultant and HOD
Prof. Asokan Nambiar is a veteran in cardiology and a renowned academician, with more than 42 years of experience in Cardiology. He has delivered valuable treatment options for over three generations of cardiac patients. He is the HOD of Cardiology at BMH.
- MBBS (Kerala University), MD (Gen Medicine, Kerala University), DM (Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi), FACC (Fellow, American College of Cardiology). Advanced training for one year in Cardiology: the University of Newcastle – upon - Tyne, UK.
Work Experience
- Former Professor and Head of Cardiology Department Govt. Medical College Calicut (40 years Experience in Cardiology).
- Expertise: Clinical evaluation of Cardiac Problems in adults and children to provide Optimal Medical Treatment and to assess the need for any Catheter Interventions or surgical treatment after interpreting Clinical data, non –invasive tests, and Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography.
- Performing and interpreting Echocardiography - both Trans Thoracic and Trans – Esophageal (TEE). Providing an active teaching and research program to create an academic melieu in the department. Principal Investigator for ongoing research programs and registries.
- Nambiar C.A, Abdulrahiman P, Aravindan KP. Progressive systemic sclerosis presenting as recurrent ventricular tachycardia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy--a case report. J Assoc Physicians India. 1989 Feb;37(2):179-81. [Medline]
- Nambiar C.A, Nair SA, Nandakumar V. Right atrial myxoma presenting as chronic right heart failure--a case report. Indian Heart J. 1988 Mar-Apr;40(2):129-31. [Medline]
- Sahasranam KV, Nambiar C.A, Sugathan K, Ravindran KN. Septal and posterior left ventricular wall motion and left ventricular function in juvenile mitral stenosis--an echocardiographic study. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 1987 Jan-Mar;29(1):17-24. [Medline]
- Bhatia ML, Ashokan Nambiar C, Shrivastava S, Roy SB. Effect of acute digitalization on His bundle intervals and corrected sinus recovery time in normal young adults. Indian Heart J. 1977 Mar-Apr;29(2):78-84. [Medline]
- Shrivastava S, Nambiar C.A, Tandon R. Right atrial 'a' wave in tetralogy of Fallot. Indian Pediatr. 1975 Aug;12(8):615-8. [Medline]
- Nambiar C.A, Basu AK, Bhatia ML. Red cell haemolysis in mitral regurgitation (a 51Cr tagged red cell survival study). J Assoc Physicians India. 1974 Sep;22(9):665-70. [Medline]
- Bhatia ML, Nambiar C.A, Bhalla BK, Basu AK, Roy SB. DC cardioversion in digitalised patients. A serum digoxin level correlative study. Indian Heart J. 1974 Apr;26(2):119-23. [Medline]
- Nambiar C.A. Temporary transvenous intra cardiac pacing in complete heart block complicating acute myocardial infarction. Kerala Medical Journal XV: 117, 1975.
- Nambiar C.A. Beside evaluation of Congenital heart disease. Kerala medical Journal XV: 117, 1974.
Published Abstracts:
- Vasudevan KR andNambiar C.A. Immediate prognostic value of plasma urea, uric acid and creatinine in acute myocardial infarction. Indian Heart Journal 1988; 40: 376 (Abstract).
- J. Francis, C.A. Nambiar, N. Sudhayakumar, K.Venugopal, MN Krishnan, CC Velayudhan, KP Markose. A Correlation of Electrocardiogram with Hemodynamics in Juvenile Mitral Stenosis. Indian Heart Journal. 1993;45:362 (Abstract).
- Nambiar C.A . Echocardiographic evaluation of primary pulmonary hypertension. Indian Heart Journal 1983; 35 (Abstract).
- Nambiar C.A. Left posterior hemiblock in acute myocardial infarction a prospective study. Indian Heart Journal. 1977; 29 (Abstract).
- Warrier C.B.C., Musthafa V.P.M and Nambiar C.A. Electro Cardiographic abnormalities in snakebite poisoning. J. Asso. Physicians of India. 1975. (Abstract).
Chapter in Books
- Nambiar C.A. Chapter 1, Clinical features and aetiology of Endomyocardial Fibrosis in India. Ed: Sapru RP. Monograph on Endomyocardial Fibrosis: Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. 1983. pp 42-48.
- Huffman MD, Prabhakaran D, Abraham AK, Krishnan MN, Nambiar AC, Mohanan PP; Kerala Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry Investigators.Optimal in-hospital and discharge medical therapy in acute coronary syndromes in Kerala: results from the Kerala Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2013 Jul 1;6(4):436-43. [Medline]

Prof. Ashokan Nambiar C.
Senior Consultant and HOD
OP Days and Timings
- Mon 10:30 am - 04:30 pm
- Tue 10:30 am - 04:30 pm
- Wed 10:30 am - 04:30 pm
- Thu 10:30 am - 04:30 pm
- Fri 10:30 am - 04:30 pm